Unleashing the Power of AI

An Integration Strategy for Enterprises

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, enterprises are constantly seeking ways to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their operational capabilities and drive bottom-line results. From legacy systems to modern applications, there exists a vast untapped potential to augment existing systems with AI capabilities and unlock new possibilities for innovation.

Consider a document management system that can be enhanced with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities such as summarization, or a video game app that utilizes Image Augmentation and Styling to elevate visualizations to new heights. These examples illustrate how integrating AI into existing systems can revolutionize user experiences and deliver tangible business benefits.

At Acro Systems Inc, we understand the critical role that existing systems play in achieving business objectives. Our expertise in Enterprise Transformation and Process Re-engineering has led us to develop a design pattern that offers an iterative, evolutionary approach to integrating AI capabilities into existing systems.

The integration pattern comprises four key components:

Agent: A platform-specific component that serves as the interface to the existing system, allowing users to interact with AI models through RESTful APIs, Web Sockets, or files.

Gateway: A scalable component that connects to multiple Agents, distributing query loads and ensuring redundancy. It also provides role-based access control (RBAC) to AI models, enhancing security.

Router: An intelligent component responsible for routing queries to the appropriate AI models in the Model Bank. It augments input data, filters output responses, and maintains a cache layer for improved performance.

Model Bank: A repository of AI models supporting various operations, including NLP, image/audio/video augmentation, classification, supervised/unsupervised learning, and deep learning. These models process user inputs and return augmented responses.

This flexible design pattern allows for easy mixing and matching of components to meet customer requirements, enabling seamless integration of AI capabilities into existing systems.

Here’s a simplified overview of how the integration works:

Customers interact with the existing system (e.g., mobile app, web app) by submitting inputs to the Agent.

The Agent, configured with roles and privileges, forwards the queries to multiple Gateways for load distribution.

Gateways route the queries to the Router, which augments input data and selects the appropriate AI models from the Model Bank.

The selected models process the inputs and return augmented responses to the Router, which applies predefined policies and filters before routing the results back to the Agent.

Finally, the results are delivered to the user through the existing system, completing the integration loop.

In conclusion, integrating AI into existing systems holds immense potential for enterprises looking to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape. At Acro Systems Inc, we specialize in unlocking this potential and helping organizations harness the power of AI to drive innovation and achieve business success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can transform your current and legacy systems with AI integration.